Tonight, I hooked up my IC-2730E to ham-lab.jdj, and tried out some software. Pictures are here.
I installed flrig and fldigi on ham-lab.jdj, but neither supports the IC-2730E out-of-the-box.
I installed hamlib [and thus rigctl], and rigctl worked out of the box: # rigctl -m 3072 -r /dev/ttyUSB0
was the key to success. I could get and set frequencies, and select the (active) VFO. I found out that getting and setting the VFO frequency applies to the active VFO only. Given the current setup, I lost the right-band audio, however. But that should be relatively easy to solve. Also, I could only access the USB Serial Port as root.
Next target is to get fldigi and flrig to work on ham-lab.jdj.
Enough for today…