Category: ham

  • HP-8116A Reborn



    I replaced a single cap in my HP-8116A, and it’s in great shape again!

  • My First Nichicon



    [20210305] Today an interesting batch of Nichicon capacitors arrived from I needed a replacement cap for the repair of my HP-8116A and decided to start collecting a stock of electrolytic capacitors. I know, I know, shelf life and all… But waiting two weeks in lockdown for a single elco is no fun either… Today’s…

  • The Paperless HAM



    Right after my last walk to the waste container and while backing up content and pushing it to this web site, I can now declare myself a paperless HAM. Over the past three weeks or so, I got rid of all physical documentation on instruments, HAM gear, ancient projects or just plain thoughts put on…

  • The pf0a/pa3gyf pa-144-1kW

    [20210215] Rediscovering Personal HAM History Today, as part of my larger objective to archive my past (HAM) projects, I scanned various documents related to a project Frank van Vliet, pf0a nowadays, and I undertook around early 1999. I actually think more people were involved (like Vincent and Jurgen), so I hope I’m not failing on…