Author: jan

  • HP-8116A Reborn



    I replaced a single cap in my HP-8116A, and it’s in great shape again!

  • My First Nichicon



    [20210305] Today an interesting batch of Nichicon capacitors arrived from I needed a replacement cap for the repair of my HP-8116A and decided to start collecting a stock of electrolytic capacitors. I know, I know, shelf life and all… But waiting two weeks in lockdown for a single elco is no fun either… Today’s…

  • The Paperless HAM



    Right after my last walk to the waste container and while backing up content and pushing it to this web site, I can now declare myself a paperless HAM. Over the past three weeks or so, I got rid of all physical documentation on instruments, HAM gear, ancient projects or just plain thoughts put on…

  • Promoting WordPress to /



    Today, I promoted my WordPress site to be at the root of the site. In other words, instead of using to reach the WordPress site, it is now simply A major improvement, since this is the way I want to be reached. How? I’m using a Fedora-33 with stock-installed Apache httpd and…

  • The pf0a/pa3gyf pa-144-1kW

    [20210215] Rediscovering Personal HAM History Today, as part of my larger objective to archive my past (HAM) projects, I scanned various documents related to a project Frank van Vliet, pf0a nowadays, and I undertook around early 1999. I actually think more people were involved (like Vincent and Jurgen), so I hope I’m not failing on…

  • Anna’s Corner

    Jan, ik heb geen zin meer… Leuk he! Dikke doei! Dikke prima! Maar dan zie je toch alles? Het leven is een feest, maar je moet wel zelf de slingers ophangen.

  • The Wannsee Conference

    [20210215] Introduction A couple of weeks ago, I joined to the Time Ghost Army, pretty much in reaction to Spartacus Olsson’s brilliant handling of the Wannsee conference in (War Against Humanity sub-series). Citing Sparty from that episode @00:44: “It’s a meeting of bureaucrats to settle the logistics of industrialized murder on a scale never…

  • Sparkling News

    [20210203] The Positive Grid Spark is Finally There! Yes, at last, finally, my Spark from Positive Grid arrived today! Order placed 20201231; delivered 20210203 (out of the blue). Given the nightmare stories on the Spark delivery times and the constant stream of polite excuses from the company, I consider a five-week delivery time not too…

  • Today, I enlisted in an Army (again)…

    Proud to Serve Today, I proudly enlisted in the TimeGhost Army as a TG ARMY SPECIALIST. Ready to serve… Please visit and outrank me! Never Forget